TikTok Reporting Glossary


Sprinklr Reporting is one of the industry's most comprehensive and flexible Social Analytics platforms. Reporting Insights stores and visualizes data for all major social networks and provides advanced operational and customer service reporting.

The Reporting Glossary is intended to provide an understanding of Reporting capabilities and detailed definitions of all available Metrics and Dimensions.



Trend of Total Followers

The trend of total followers for a TikTok video over a period of time.

Net Growth of Followers

The total growth of followers for a Tiktok video over a period of time.

Trend of Reach

The total number of unique viewers who viewed the video​. This trend metric presents a value by the Date of engagement.

Impressions % by Source

The Source-wise percentage distribution of Impressions. Must be used in conjunction with dimension TikTok Video Source.

Brand Engagement Breakdown

The breakdown of brand engagement for a tiktok video such as TikTok video, likes, shares, and, comments.

Average Video Watch Time Trend

Average watch time for video across all views. This trend metric presents a value by the Date of engagement.

Engagement by Day of the Week

The total engagement on a TikTok video such as likes, shares, and comments over a period of a week.

Engagement by Time of the Day

The total engagement on a TikTok video such as likes, shares, and comments in a day.

Post Scorecard

The post scorecard consists of video likes, shares, comments, views, reach, and video watch to completion rate.

New Followers Gained by Gender

Gender distribution of business accounts followers. This information is available as an aggregate of the previous 60 days. This information is not available for accounts with less than 100 followers.​

New Followers Gained by Country

Country distribution of business accounts followers. This information is available as an aggregate of the previous 60 days. This information is not available for accounts with less than 100 followers.​

Followers Online by Hour

The number of followers online at each hour of the day. This information is available per day. This information is not available for accounts with less than 100 followers.​

Video watched to completion rate

Percentage of unique viewers who viewed the whole video​.