Yelp Review Engagement


Engaging with Yelp Reviews: A Comprehensive Guide

In this article, you'll uncover a range of actions, engagement strategies, and moderation techniques that can be effortlessly executed on reviews received on your Yelp account through our inbox module. Discover the power of streamlined review management with these intuitive features:

For any review on your Yelp account , you will able to see those msg in left pane and perform the following :

Review Collaboration and Tagging

Collaboration becomes seamless as you collaborate on a review with other users onboarded to your workspace, facilitating collective insights and responses.

Effortlessly associate specific tags to reviews, making categorization and organization a breeze for efficient future reference.

Mark Reviews as Spam

Quickly identify and mitigate spam by marking suspicious reviews, ensuring that your Yelp account remains a reliable and credible source of information.

Review Details and Sentiments

Dive into the heart of reviews with the 'View Details' feature. A third pane appears, providing an in-depth exploration of the review along with its nuanced properties, such as sentiments, assignments, and other custom inbox fields.

Notes, both user-created and system-generated, offer valuable context. Observe default notes, such as those tied to ratings exceeding a threshold set by the Sprinklr system.

Tasks and Activities

Associate tasks with reviews, maintaining a clear overview of pending actions and ensuring nothing slips through the cracks.

The 'Activity' log captures the journey of each review, keeping you well-informed about all interactions and modifications.

Profile Insights

Unveil the identity behind every review with a single click. Access profile details of the individuals who posted reviews on your Yelp account, fostering a deeper understanding of your audience.

Native View and Assignment

Further insight awaits as you click on the three dots for reviews. Explore the native view where clicking on it takes you to your native yelp account where the review has been posted , assign reviews to specific users, or add essential tasks, ensuring efficient delegation and follow-through.

Engaging with Reviews

Selecting a review unlocks a world of engagement options on the right-hand side. Responding becomes effortless:

In-depth Review Analysis

On the right, explore different functionalities, such as the message feed, to maintain interactive conversations and access other engagement tools.

Message feed :

  • View the review's associated rating and comments.

  • Utilize the reply box to craft and send personalized responses.

  • Opt for canned responses, streamlining general replies.

  • Harness the power of Sprinklr AI +, integrating ChatGPT's functionalities for enhanced responses.

  • Scheduling and Approval Workflows

    Effortlessly manage your review responses:

    - Schedule your reply for optimal timing.

    - Set up an approval workflow to ensure the response aligns with your brand's voice and messaging.

Overview :

  • Provides a comprehensive view of inbox field properties, notes, tasks, and message activity.

- Contact 360

  • It offers a holistic perspective, showcasing all relevant contact details.

Profile History

  • Reveals the user's review history, allowing you to track their engagement journey.

With these functionalties at your disposal, engaging with Yelp reviews becomes an organized, insightful, and efficient endeavor. For further support, consult this guide or connect with our dedicated support team for prompt assistance.