Using Quick Actions in Care Console


Learn how Quick Actions in Care Console reduces multiple clicks on routine actions to a single click - saving the agent's time and increasing productivity manifold.

Quick Actions are a combination of frequently performed actions on tickets that you can execute with a single click. They are also known as Macros which helps you and your agents bring down multiple repetitive actions to a single click, saving time and increasing work efficiency.

For example, if you need to frequently perform a set of actions on a ticket, such as changing its status, changing the assignee, and adding a note, you can create a Quick Action to execute them all in one click.

Before you begin

Learn how to create a Quick Action. See, Quick Actions.

How to use Quick Actions in the Care Console

  1. On the Sprinklr Advanced Home window, click on the Tickets icon in the left navigation pane.

  2. On the Care Lite Console window, select the tickets that you want to respond to from the Ticket stream on the left.

  3. Once you have selected the ticket, click Quick Actions in the top right corner.

  4. Select the Quick Action that you want to apply to your ticket.

  5. For example, suppose you want to change the status of your ticket from Open to Mark as an internal hold since there is no information about the customer’s issue, and you want to discuss it with your supervisor. In that case, you can go ahead and select appropriate quick action to fulfill your task. Quick action will immediately be applied to the ticket and changes its status.

To apply Quick Actions on multiple Tickets

  1. On the Sprinklr Advanced Home window, click on the Tickets icon in the left navigation pane.

  2. On the Care Console window, check the box alongside the tickets you want to apply quick action to from the ticket stream on the left. You can check the box alongside All Cases below the search bar to apply your quick action to all the tickets.

  3. Select Quick Actions from the options in the Floating Pane.

  4. On the Apply Quick Action pop-up window, select the Quick Action you want to apply from the drop-down menu. Click Apply. It will successfully apply your desired macro to all the selected tickets within a second.

Quick Actions

Use Care Console to interact with customers effectively