Facebook Paid Performance


Use the Facebook Ads Performance Report to review performance of the Facebook paid posts which have published during the publishing period.

Navigate to Facebook Paid Performance Report

  1. Log in to Sprinklr Social. On the Sprinklr window, click Reports icon on the left pane.

  2. The Facebook Ads Performance Report can be found in the Paid Performance section of Sprinklr.

Facebook Ads Performance

Facebook Ads Performance report have 4 tabs respectively:

  1. Summary

  2. Trends

  3. Campaigns

  4. Audience

  5. Creatives

Here are the detailed description of the above mentioned Tabs:

Summary Tab: This tab consists of following Widgets -

  1. Ads Overview

  1. Ads & Spend over Time

  1. Video Views by Quartile

  1. Engagement Breakdown

  1. Reactions Breakdown

  1. Ad Accounts

Here are the detailed description of the above mentioned widgets:

Ads Overview: This widget explains the overall summary of the Facebook posts such as Spend, Engagements, Impressions, Video Views, Link Clicks, LCTR, ER, VTR, CPM, CPV, CPE and CPLC. You can click on each of the metrics to view details in the third pane for the current as well as the previous period.

Ads & Spend over Time: This widget explains the relation between published ads and spent over time of the Facebook ads. You can click on a particular date to view details in the third pane for the current as well as the previous period.

Trends Tab:

Video trends:

Engagement Trends:

Click Trends:

Campaigns Tab:

Video KPIs by Campaign

Engagement KPIs by Campaign

Traffic KPIs by Campaign

Audience Tab:

Video Audiences:

Engagement Audiences:

Traffic Audiences:

Creatives Tab:

Video KPIs by Post:

Engagement KPIs by Post:

Traffic by Post: