Facebook Reporting Glossary
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2 years ago
, by Sprinklr Self-Serve Help Center
Sprinklr Reporting is one of the industry's most comprehensive and flexible Social Analytics platforms. Reporting Insights stores and visualizes data for all major social networks and provides advanced operational and customer service reporting.
The Reporting Glossary is intended to provide an understanding of Reporting capabilities and detailed definitions of all available Metrics and Dimensions.
Fields | Description |
Post Impressions | As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of impressions for your Page post across the platform. |
Post Engagements | As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times people have engaged with your posts through likes, comments and shares and more. |
Facebook Page New Likes | As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of new people who have liked your Page. |
Published Messages | This metrics defines the number of published messages over a period of time. |
Post Consumption | As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of times people clicked on anywhere in your posts without generating a story. |
Average Post Engagements | The average engagement on a post such as shares, likes, comments, and Post Reactions. |
Page Scorecard | Its an overall summary of Avg. Daily Reach, Avg. Organic Daily Reach, Avg. Paid Daily Reach, Total Impressions, Organic Impressions, etc. |
Page Reach Trend | The trend of Facebook page reach such as organic reach, paid reach, and reach over a period of time. |
Engagement Summary | The overall summary of post engagement such as post consumption, comments, shares, and reactions. |
Reactions Summary | The overall summary of Facebook post reactions such as likes, haha, angry, love, etc. |
Engagement per 1000 Followers | The engagement on the Facebook post per 1000 followers |
Post Engagement Breakdown | The breakdown of post engagement such as shares, comments, reactions, and consumption |
Average Engagement per Post | The average engagement on the post such as shares, reactions, and comments. |
Engagement by Media Type | The engagement on the post by media type such as photo, text, carousel, video, link, etc. |
Engagement by Day of the Week | The engagement on the Facebook post by day of the week such as Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. |
Most Engaging Post Types | The post types on which there has been the maximum engagement such as Photo, Text, Carousel, etc. |
Engagement by Time of the Day | The engagement on the Facebook post by time of the day. |
Number of Page Posts with Media type | The number of page posts over a period of time with media types such as Photo, Carousel, Text, Video, etc. |
Distribution of Page Posts Type | The overall distribution pf page posts types such as photo, text, carousel, video, link, etc. |
Top Keywords by Engagement | The top keywords observed while engagement on the post. |
Page Video Views Trend | The page video views over a period of time such as organic view and paid view. |
All Posts | The overall number of posts such as shares, comments, reactions, and post engagements. |
Audience by Demographics | The number of followers engaged on the Facebook post by demographics such as age, gender, income, etc. |
Reach by Demographics | As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who have seen any content associated with your Page by age and gender grouping. This metric should be used in conjunction with dimensions Age Range or Gender. |
Audience by Gender | The number of followers engaged on the Facebook post by gender - male or female. |
Audience Top Countries | The number of followers engaged on the Facebook post by top countries. |
Top Countries by Page Reach | As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who have seen any content associated with your Page by the top countries. This metric should be used in conjunction with the dimension Country. |
Audience Top Cities | The number of followers engaged on the Facebook post by top cities. |
Top Cities by Page Reach | As defined by Facebook, this metric is the number of people who have seen any content associated with your Page by the top cities. This metric should be used in conjunction with dimension City. |