Facebook: Understanding Page Likes, Likes, and Sent Posts


Facebook page likes, likes, and sent posts are all important metrics that can help you understand how your page is performing and how to improve it.

What is a page like?

A page like is when someone clicks the "Like" button on your page. This means that they are showing their support for your page and that they want to see content from it. Page likes are a good indicator of how popular your page is, and they can also help your posts show up higher in people's news feeds.

What is a like?

A like is when someone clicks the "Like" button on one of your posts. This means that they enjoyed your post and that they want to see more like it. Likes are a good way to measure how engaging your content is, and they can also help your posts show up higher in people's news feeds.

What is a sent post?

A sent post is a post that you have published on your page. Sent posts can be organic posts, which are posts that you have published for free, or they can be promoted posts, which are posts that you have paid to promote. Sent posts are a good way to share your content with your audience, and they can also help you drive traffic to your website or landing pages.

How do page likes, likes, and sent posts work together?

Page likes, likes, and sent posts all work together to help you reach your audience and grow your page. Page likes show that people are interested in your page, and likes show that people are engaged with your content. Sent posts help you reach more people with your content, and they can also help you increase your page likes and likes.


Page likes, likes, and sent posts are all important metrics that can help you understand how your page is performing and how to improve it. By understanding these metrics and using them to your advantage, you can grow your page and reach more people with your content.