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Create, Edit & Share Inbox Views

Sorting and managing messages can get tricky, especially when you have lots of them. That's where Inbox Views come in. In this article, we'll break down what Inbox Views are, how you can create them, and how you can share them to make handling your messages in various streams easier.What are Inbox V

Inbox views


Visibility control in Inbox views

Learn how you can control visibility in Inbox views.Visibility Control helps you to disable and enable significant messages in Inbox by just toggling on and off the Inbox views.There are 2 types of visibility in Inbox views:You can disable all by switching the Toggle On/OffYou can also hide it at a

Inbox views

Sprinklr social


Search & Filter in Inbox

You can search for the desired message in the search bar by just typing in the exact keyword of the message.You can also apply filters to the message by clicking Filters in the top right corner such as selecting the desired Platforms, Accounts, Message Type, Sentiment, Priority, Tags, and Assigned T

Search and Filter

Inbox views
