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LinkedIn Profile accounts

Sprinklr gives you a smarter way to manage your presence on the world’s largest professional social networking site, LinkedIn. You can leverage your LinkedIn Profile accounts in Sprinklr in the best possible way using Sprinklr's social publishing tool. It allows you to easily schedule and publish co

Linkedin account


Adding LinkedIn account to Sprinklr Advanced

Learn how to add a LinkedIn account to Sprinklr and fix customer issues instantly from a single unified platform.Adding a LinkedIn page to Sprinklr enables you to respond to any conversation on the LinkedIn platform from a unified platform. The agent does not need to move to and fro and can maintain

Linkedin account

Sprinklr Advanced

Additional Care Console Actions


Engagement for Linkedin

CXM Lite has 3 types of Inbox messages for a LinkedIn account where brands can engage with customers. These are Comment, Post, and Mention messages.   Navigate to LinkedIn Platform messages Go to the Home page of CXM Lite and click the Inbox feature from the left pane.  &nbs

Linkedin account

LinkedIn Polls


linkedin performance

