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Track engagement on LinkedIn Ads Post

With Sprinklr Social, you can now track engagement on different LinkedIn Ads such as likes, comments, or shares. The engagement on the LinkedIn Ads can be tracked from the Inbox messages. LinkedIn Ads makes it easy to target your most valuable audience on the platform. Besides it helps brands to rea

Sprinklr Social Advanced

Linkedin Ads


Share opnions with LinkedIn Polls

LinkedIn polls enable brands to gather data about customer opinions and preferences, as well as to generate leads and drive traffic to their website. Now, you can create LinkedIn Polls as well from Sprinklr Social. To create LinkedIn Polls from Sprinklr Social. Go to the Sprinklr

LinkedIn Polls

Sprinklr Social Advanced

Sprinklr social


Learn how to setup Custom Domain

Setting up a custom domain for an AI chatbot involves configuring the necessary infrastructure and settings to host and deploy the Twin on your own domain. Steps to Deploy Twin on Custom Domain When you’re deploying your Twin, click on Setup from the left pane. Go to Step 5 – Deploy your D

Sprinklr Social Advanced

Sprinklr social


Publish Instagram Stories

How you can add Instagram Stories from Sprinklr Social and advertise your business with the potential customers seamlessly - saving your time, money, and resources.Sprinklr Social has released a new capability to add Instagram Stories from the Sprinklr platform.To add Instagram Story from Sprinklr S

Sprinklr Social Advanced



Make Informed Decisions with Sprinklr Advanced Reports

Make decisions that resonate with the growth of your brand/organization via unique and easy-to-use Sprinklr Service Reports.Sprinklr Service enables you to perform sophisticated and innovative reporting and analytics on your customer support data and helps you make more informed, evidence-based deci

Care Reporting

Sprinklr Social Advanced

